Another Day of Life
Midnight weekend screenings happen on Friday & Saturday nights (meaning arrive on Friday and/or Saturday night by 11:45pm for seating, the movie starts after midnight)!
Director: DAMIAN NENOW, RAÚL DE LA FUENTE Run Time: 85 min. Release Year: 2019
An official Cannes selection and winner of festival prizes and awards worldwide, ANOTHER DAY OF LIFE is a daringly ambitious dive into the chaos of war, based on the book by the journalist Ryszard “Ricardo” Kapuściński, one of the world’s most compelling chroniclers of conflict. Intercutting a graphically bold animation style with interviews and archival footage, the visually striking film conveys a rare immediacy as it tells of the outbreak of civil war following Angola’s independence from Portugal in 1975. Against all advice, Kapuściński is intent on driving south into the heart of the bloody conflict to find the isolated rebel leader Farrusco. His animated trip through corpse-strewn roads conveys an undeniable urgency, while the documentary testimony reminds us that we are watching actual history.